Centre for Coaching, London, UK
Established in 2001
Providing professional body accredited, approved & recognised training We use the zoom virtual training platform to deliver our programmes

The modular Association for Coaching Accredited Advanced Diploma in Coaching
programme provides opportunities for learners to become knowledgeable about
the theory, research and practice of coaching. The programmes provide over 100
hours of training plus a distance learning component including general forums
delivered online using video and voice group calls. The taught work for the
Advanced Diploma is the three certificate programmes shown below. The programme
includes coaching in particular forms of coaching: life/personal, performance, business,
executive, stress management. Learners will be required to complete and evidence a
range of related independent study activities which can include attending AC Forums,
conferences and workshops, 75 hours of supervised coaching practice (Coaching
Practice Log), receive coaching supervision from a qualified/accredited coach or
coaching supervisor (arranged privately with them), and keep a reflective journal
(Coach Learning Log).
To enable learners to become knowledgeable in coaching and be proficient in coaching skills. The course objectives are all of those in each of the modules.
The Diploma consists of three modular certificate programmes:
a) Certificate in Coaching (5 days)
b) Certificate in Stress Management and Performance Coaching (3 x 2 days)
c) Certificate in Psychological Coaching/Coaching Psychology (5 days)
The training will provide a broad-based understanding of the theory and practice of coaching and will take a behavioural, cognitive-behavioural, rational emotive behavioural and solution focused approach to psychological coaching and its application to life/personal, health, performance, business and executive coaching. Module c) includes training-related coaching supervision. Learners are expected to undertake skills practice and read course books/material. It is recommended that module c) is taken at the end of the programme whereas modules a) or b) are taken at the beginning of the programme.
NB. All five elements (shown in a-c above) include submitting Post Programme Reviews. Whilst undertaking the programme, participants are actively encouraged to attend conferences/workshops and networking groups etc run by the Association for Coaching, International Society for Coaching Psychology or the BPS Division of Coaching Psychology.
The course is suitable for coaches, managers, supervisors, HR staff, trainers, psychologists, counsellors, ministers, healthcare and other professionals.
Selection is a threefold process which may include: completed application form, reference from a professional who knows the applicant and their work, and may include a personal interview with a course tutor to ascertain suitability for the course. The potential attributes looked for in the selection process are evidence of: the ability to reflect upon life/professional experience and use it to enhance self-awareness and maturity; the ability to form a coaching relationship; the ability to build upon self-criticism; the capacity to cope with the emotional, intellectual and practical demands of the course and of providing coaching and receiving supervision. The course is not an opportunity to work out personal issues which may need the support of personal coaching or counselling but a commitment to self-disclosure in relation to course learning and personal awareness will be expected.
In addition to passing the 5 modules (a to c), learners are expected to submit:
Evidence of minimum of 75 hours coaching practice (in addition to class-based training) showing use of GROW, ABCDEF, SPACE and PRACTICE (as well as other coaching approaches and models used on the course as appropriate)
Report detailing coaching supervision received from qualified/accredited coach or coaching supervisor
Reference from coaching supervisor
Learning Log and Reflective journal
Evidence of self study (see below)
Evidence of Continuing Professional Development
One written case study
Overall, the client work should include coachees with a range of different issues.
Learners will be expected to maintain and submit an electronic training and learning log (in Word or PDF) which must specify the length of study, number of taught hours, and a record of the lecturers participating in the training. In addition, it will include a log of their experience on the course i.e. lecture notes, handouts, assignments, a link between the work and learning on the course and its application to the participant’s coaching and work context. The log will also show those aspects of personal growth and self-awareness, which inform coaching practice and relate to the ability to understand course material as well as their personal views of the course. The learning log is a record of the learner’s personal and professional development which must be made available to the Centre. Reading recommended books and other independent study related work undertaken at home including work related to the assignments and Post Programme Reviews is likely to take approximately 480 hours over the course of the programme for the Accredited Advanced Diploma in Coaching. Initial feedback will be provided in writing if submissions (1 to 7 above) require additional work.
Learners are expected to complete the programme within 24 months from enrolment or from the first course taken whichever is the earliest. However, the course can be completed in under 12 months depending upon the progress the student makes and course availability. See important notice below.
Module c) provides training related supervision. We also provide a limited number of group supervision forums delivered online using video and voice group calls. However, it is essential that regular supervision of coaching work be provided at the place of work or privately from an accredited/experienced coach or accredited coaching supervisor. This additional supervision is the financial responsibility of the participant. The supervisor will be expected to provide a report on the coaching abilities of the coach. It is recommended that the supervisor has an understanding of solution focused and/or cognitive behavioural coaching. Depending upon the accreditation route, we recommend that psychologists are supervised by BPS Chartered Psychologists (or equivalent if located outside of the UK). Guidance will be given regarding how to obtain a suitable supervisor. Visit our webpage on supervision for more guidance.
Learners in practice are required to obtain professional indemnity insurance and provide the centre with a copy of their certificate.
We require that enrolled learners be members of one or more approved independent professional coaching bodies or other related organisations. For this accredited programme we recommend the Association for Coaching. Other societies include European Mentoring & Coaching Council, Institute of Leadership, Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development, International Society for Coaching Psychology and/or British Psychological Society and abide by their code of ethics.
Course attendance should be for a minimum of 90% per module.
This Association for Coaching Accredited Advanced Diploma programme has been designed to be completed within a 12 to 24 month period. Programmes are not open ended. It is important that the learner demonstrates progress in a timely fashion. Extension beyond the 24 month period is only allowed in extenuating circumstances. Where an extension is sought for up to six months for extenuating circumstances, an additional administration fee is payable and a request for an extension form must be completed.
Successful completion of the Diploma programme provides sufficient training for eligibility for Full Membership of the Association for Coaching, subject to additional coaching experience.
Successful learners on the programme will be awarded a certificate of successful completion. Should learners choose to apply for AC Coach Accreditation in the future, this certificate will evidence their coach training and form part of their application. However, learners will not become AC Accredited Coaches as a result of participating in our AC Accredited Advanced Diploma in Coaching. Individual AC Coach Accreditation should be applied for only when the coach has had the levels of experience, CPD, supervision and training detailed on the Association for Coaching website and has developed the required level of competence. Please click here for more information on AC Coach Accreditation.
The course trainers are Nick Edgerton, Dr. Siobhain O’Riordan, Dr Stephen Palmer and Kasia Szymanska who are Chartered Psychologists and/or HCPC Registered Psychologists. All trainers have published papers and chapters on coaching and Stephen, Kristina, Siobhain and Kasia have authored books. Other guest lecturers may also be involved in teaching on the programme.
Each of the three full certificate programmes has a set course fee (ie Certificate in Coaching; Certificate in Stress Management & Performance Coaching (3 modules); Certificate in Psychological Coaching/Coaching Psychology). For learners who wish to take the AC Accredited Advanced Diploma in Coaching programme, there is an additional fee of £1200 including VAT. To assist financing the programme, instead of paying the one-off Advanced Diploma fee, learners may pay a fee of £410 including VAT when they start each certificate course.
This programme is an Association for Coaching Accredited Advanced Diploma in Coach Training (AADCT). It replaces our former Association for Coaching 'recognised' courses. The Centre for Coaching, International Academy for Professional Development is on the AC Training Provider Directory.
It is important to recognise the difference between a course being accredited, and a practitioner being accredited. Taking an accredited training course does not, in itself necessarily lead to the person taking it being accredited. However, those who successfully pass the Advanced Diploma in Coaching (which was re-accredited by the Association for Coaching in 2019) will have sufficient training hours, supervised coaching hours and learning log to enable them to apply to the Association for Coaching straight away (subject to membership etc) for accreditation at AC Foundation Coach or Foundation Executive Coach level. (See AC Website.)
Note that you will be able to submit the same case study and personal approach to coaching material included in your final submission for the Advanced Diploma, provided that the case study is from a coachee you worked with in the preceding 18 months up to the date of your submission for AC Accreditation.
Learners at the Centre and International Academy currently working towards the Advanced Certificate in Coaching/Psychological Coaching/Coaching Psychology programmes which were previously Association for Coaching Recognised, can transfer directly onto the Advanced Diploma in Coaching programme subject to a completed application form and relevant Advanced Diploma in Coaching course fees.
Please email the office for the latest Advanced Diploma in Coaching Application Form: admin@iafpd.one
AC competency framework
Association for Professional Executive Coaching & Supervision (APECS) Directory
Association of Coaching Supervisors
BPS Coaching Psychology Register
European Mentoring Coaching Council
International Society for Coaching Psychology (ISCP) Accredited Supervisor Directory
Group and individual supervision service is also provided by the National Academy of Coaching Psychology.
For Foundation Coach applications to the Association for Coaching, a minimum of 50 hours coaching are required. However, currently our course requires 75 hours. There are requirements for CPD and supervision of coaching practice. This information is correct at 1/9/23. If a Learner is working towards accreditation, it is their responsibility to check the current Association for Coaching requirements as this can change.