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Primary Certificate in Acceptance and Commitment Coaching


The Primary Certificate in Acceptance and Commitment Coaching is an introductory two-day programme aiming to provide a foundation in the theory and practice of acceptance and commitment coaching applied to work and personal contexts. Learners will have the opportunity to practise coaching skills and techniques in small group work.


This programme provides an overview of acceptance and commitment coaching. It will outline the six behavioural processes used to increase coachee’s psychological flexibility: Values; committed action; present moment awareness; self-as-context; defusion; and acceptance. The programme will use coaching examples to demonstrate how coaches can activate these processes in their practice, guided by the acceptance and commitment coaching model.


Handouts are provided. For the purposes of skills training, Learners should be prepared to discuss one problem in small group work. Suitable for coaches, managers, personnel staff, trainers and counsellors. Normal rules of confidentiality apply.

NB. This introductory programme is not suitable learners who are experienced and/or very  knowledgeable about ACT or Acceptance and Commitment Coaching. 



To provide participants with a foundation in Acceptance and Commitment Coaching



  • Identify the role of psychological flexibility as a useful and important part of behaviour change in coaching

  • Explain the acceptance and commitment coaching model

  • Explore how the six components of the model can be activated in coaching

  • Demonstrate acceptance and commitment coaching techniques that can recognise and adjust unhelpful behaviour and attain meaningful goals



A CPD certificate is provided for all attendees. Learners wishing to obtain a Certificate of Achievement need to submit a 750 word Post Programme Review.



The trainer is Dr Rachael Skews CPsychol AFBPsS MISCPAccred. She is an internationally recognised subject matter expert in Acceptance and Commitment Coaching. Rachael is a Chartered Coaching Psychologist, and an ISCP Accredited Coaching Psychologist. She is also a BPS and ISCP Accredited Supervisor.

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