Centre for Coaching, London, UK
Established in 2001
Providing professional body accredited, approved & recognised training We use the zoom virtual training platform to deliver our programmes

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Workshops
Members of most professional bodies have to undertake Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in order to maintain their chartership or accreditations. The Centre for Coaching, International Academy for Professional Development Ltd offers a wide range of professional body approved and recognised courses and advanced programmes from CPD Certificate levels (introductory, intermediate to advanced levels) up to CPD Diploma levels (intermediate to advanced levels). Some can lead to accredited practitioner status with sufficient experience or undertaken as a part of a CPD programme.
The Centre also offers a number of one-day CPD workshops and seminars which may be suitable for short top-up CPD. We have listed a selection of our workshops below:
Enhancing Resilience: A Cognitive Behavioural Approach
Using self-acceptance techniques to tackle self-esteem issues in the coaching context: a cognitive behavioural approach
Health and Wellbeing Coaching: A Cognitive-Behavioural Approach to enhance health goal achievement
Imagery Techniques for use within Coaching & Coaching Psychology Practice: A skills based workshop
As an ISCP Approved Centre, the Society recognise our workshops and seminars for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Initial Professional Development (IPD) for Associate Members working towards accredited status.
Office: +44 (0) 2088534171
(NB. Please note that we can run these workshops in-house for organisations or at conferences for professional bodies. The seminar or workshop content can be adapted to last from 1 to 12 hours for different professional groups including coaches, psychologists, counsellors, HR and health professionals.)