Centre for Coaching, London, UK
Established in 2001
Providing professional body accredited, approved & recognised training We use the zoom virtual training platform to deliver our programmes

IAFPD Certificate in Psychological Coaching
This intensive 5-day programme in psychological coaching is recognised by the International Society for Coaching Psychology and approved by the British Psychological Society.
It forms part of the Association for Coaching Accredited Advanced Diploma in Coaching programme. (The course is at an intermediate to advanced level.)
It builds on the Centre’s Certificate in Coaching and Certificate in Stress Management and Performance Coaching programmes. The programme takes a cognitive behavioural, rational emotive behaviour and solution focused approach to coaching and is informed by the published books and articles of Professor Stephen Palmer, Professor Windy Dryden, Dr Tony Grant, Gladeana McMahon and Michael Neenan.
The programme is suitable for coaches, managers, personnel staff, management consultants, counsellors, psychologists, trainers and others interested in learning about coaching. Learners should have some skills, knowledge and practice of solution focused cognitive behavioural coaching. If learners have not attended a formal coaching training programme, they are strongly advised to consider undertaking the Centre’s Certificate in Coaching course.
Learners will be required to coach another Learner on the course, live in front of the group for the purpose of training-related group supervision and maintain a log of this experience to be included in the programme submission completed after attending the programme. In addition, pre-programme reading includes a set text focusing on coaching psychology.
This five-day programme provides Learners with an understanding of the psychology of coaching from a cognitive-behavioural perspective together with a range of advanced coaching skills.
• understand the nature of psychological coaching
• become knowledgeable of cognitive-behavioural, problem-solving, solution focused and rational emotive behavioural coaching
• understand the psychological concepts of emotional management, self-esteem, self acceptance, self-motivation, focus on achieving goals, transformation of the coachee into the self-coach (the coaching career), low frustration tolerance and practice relevant skills that can be used in coaching
• develop and have an opportunity to practise a range of advanced coaching skills
• become proficient in the use of challenges and disputation in coaching
• learn how to overcome blocks in coaching
• understanding how to deal with emotional interference when implementing and/or maintaining action plans
• learn how to maintain their newly acquired advanced coaching skills
• consider the psychological coaching models and their application to life, business, executive, performance and speciality coaching
• practise coaching sessions and skills training in pairs or triads
• group supervision of a live coaching session with another Learner on the course
• consider what further training, if any, is required
A Centre and Academy Certificate of Achievement is awarded to Learners who successfully complete the programme, the Post Programme Review and other written work.
Trainers and supervisors include Dr Siobhain O’Riordan and Dr Stephen Palmer.